aspx 微型_如何使用微型可编程机器人向孩子介绍编码
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You might be asking yourself, “Eh, why do I really care about whether kids learn to code?” Well I can assure you that you’re not the only person who has thought this. You might not even have kids of your own, so why should you care?

您可能会问自己:“嗯,我为什么真正关心孩子们是否学会编码?” 好吧,我可以向您保证,您并不是唯一想到这一点的人。 您甚至可能没有自己的孩子,那么为什么要关心呢?

Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or you just want to pursue a career in the 21st century, basic computer programming is an essential skill to learn.


Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or you just want to pursue a career in the 21st century, basic computer programming is an essential skill to learn.


Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or you just want to pursue a career in the 21st century, basic computer programming is an essential skill to learn.— Stephen Hawking

无论您是想发现宇宙的秘密,还是只想在21世纪从事职业,基本的计算机编程都是学习的一项基本技能。 —斯蒂芬·霍金(Stephen Hawking)

And this applies to children, as well as parents and grandparents.


This article isn’t about coding, it’s about teaching kids how to think and solve problems in a structured manner.


6 years ago, Netscape pioneer Marc Andreesen published an essay in the Wall Street Journal titled “.”

6年前,Netscape的先驱Marc Andreesen在《华尔街日报》上发表了一篇题为“ ”的文章。

This article is now nearly 6 years old, which shows that even 6 years ago this was a hot topic. And its popularity has been growing exponentially. So you shouldn’t shield your children from what will help them in the future.

这篇文章现在已有6年历史了,这表明甚至在6年前,这也是一个热门话题。 而且它的受欢迎程度呈指数增长。 因此,您不应该保护孩子免受将来对孩子的帮助。

Read to see how building a tool that helps libraries, schools, and educational institutions made teaching fun and entertaining.

阅读以了解如何 开发一种可帮助图书馆,学校和教育机构提高教学乐趣和娱乐性的工具。

你为什么要教孩子们编码? (Why would you teach your kids to code?)

Working with kids is awesome. Seeing them learn faster, and be more creative and focused on their vision have the potential to fill your free time with something that matters.

和孩子们一起工作真是棒极了。 看到他们学​​习更快,更有创造力,专注于 他们的愿景有可能使您的空闲时间充满重要的事情。

We had been giving and workshops for nearly a year before we decided to create a new tool that has the ability to learn logic and teach the basics of programming.


When we gave kids the task to create a new alarm clock, they came up with some very creative solutions. Many of which would appear really weird, at least to us.

当我们给孩子们一个创建新闹钟的任务时,他们提出了一些非常有创意的解决方案。 至少对我们来说,其中许多看起来确实很奇怪。

There were many times when I thought I couldn’t have come up with their solutions.


We initially thought about using a platform similar to or . However, with CodeCombat you have to “write code,” which wasn’t what we wanted. And Code.org was really easy, too easy in fact, for our use case.

我们最初考虑使用类似于或的平台。 但是,使用CodeCombat,您必须“编写代码”,这不是我们想要的。 对于我们的用例来说,Code.org真的很容易,实际上太容易了。

We wanted the platform to provide a steep learning curve to its users. With the levels starting out really easy and then quickly progressing to a higher level of difficulty so that users can get the most out of it. Since we knew this tool would be used in events (which is described later), we could have some levels provide help and explanations.

我们希望该平台为其用户提供陡峭的学习曲线。 级别从一开始就非常容易,然后Swift提高到更高的难度,以便用户可以最大程度地利用它。 由于我们知道此工具将用于事件(稍后将进行描述),因此我们可以在某些级别上提供帮助和解释。

We also researched some of the already published tools available. This helped us to get a better overview on the pros and cons on already established games and tools. We documented this search .

我们还研究了一些已经发布的可用工具。 这有助于我们更好地了解已经建立的游戏和工具的优缺点。 我们记录了此搜索。

After we did our research, and met with professors and project leader , we (our technical consultant , , , and ) knew where we were going with our journey.

在完成研究并与教授和项目负责人会面后,我们(我们的技术顾问 , , 和 )知道了我们的旅程。

这个主意 (The idea)

Our idea was that the program would suit younger children and at the same time not scare away the older kids.


First, we thought about simplifying the computer part by using the world of magic. The idea was to introduce the concepts of programming by using different spells taught by a little wizard. This would’ve given us the advantage of providing “magic” when more complex logic was needed, such as in the case of pathfinding.

首先,我们考虑过使用魔术世界简化计算机部件。 这个想法是通过使用一个小巫师教授的不同咒语来介绍编程的概念。 这将使我们具有在需要更复杂的逻辑(例如寻路)时提供“魔术”的优势。

The kids could then later observe the logic behind these “magic” spells and understand how pathfinding was implemented with the basic logic they had learned.


After many iterations and discussions, we decided to take a less fairy tale approach and use that could be “programmable” with the logic blocks provided. The robots would be spawned from a factory where they got their behaviour once upon a production.

经过多次迭代和讨论,我们决定采用一种不太像童话般的方法,并使用可以通过提供的逻辑块进行“编程”的 。 机器人将从工厂生产出来,在那里生产后它们就会表现出来。

Users have the possibility to build robots that can do different tasks, like mining for resources or finding and fighting other robots.

用户可以构建可以执行不同任务的机器人, 例如挖掘资源或寻找和对抗其他机器人。

That was the moment (at that time it was called “Project-X”) was born.

那是 (当时被称为“ Project-X”)诞生的那一刻。

, our project manager, decided that in order to learn the most from this project, we needed to use more experimental frameworks and technologies.


He presented us with an unknown (at that point in time at least) front-end JavaScript framework that allowed for a nice functional approach. It reminded us of .

他向我们展示了一个未知的(至少在当时是这样的)前端JavaScript框架,该框架允许使用一种不错的功能方法。 它使我们想起了 。

The tool was called . Make sure to check it out. It’s awesome.

该工具称为 。 一定要检查一下。 这很棒。

The communication for the event mode should work with Peer2Peer communication (P2P). became our P2P researcher. His role was to make a solid connection with our students.

事件模式下的通信应与Peer2Peer通信(P2P)一起使用。 成为我们的P2P研究人员。 他的作用是与我们的学生建立牢固的联系。

If you’re interested, you can go in depth about the technologies used in The Tech section. From there you’ll probably be able to learn about tools that you haven’t heard of before (at least for me that was what happened).

如果您有兴趣,可以深入了解“技术”部分中使用的技术。 从那里,您可能可以了解以前从未听说过的工具(至少对我来说就是这样)。

Probably the most important part of the project was the user interface. Our users were children and young adults who had never coded before. Therefore we had to choose an interface that did not simplify coding, but made it easy to put things together and test them.

该项目中最重要的部分可能是用户界面。 我们的用户是从未编码的儿童和年轻人。 因此,我们必须选择一个接口,该接口不能简化编码,但是可以很容易地将它们放在一起并对其进行测试。

This is how we found


It was the perfect choice for our project. It was easy to integrate, modular, and, most importantly, JavaScript compatible. You can and get an impression of its power.

这是我们项目的理想选择。 它易于集成,模块化,并且最重要的是与JavaScript兼容。 您可以并对其功能有印象。

Note: Check out Blockly and consider using it for your next project. It’s easy to integrate and has powerful code-generators for all major programming languages. It’s not only for children but it also gives non-programmers a forum to build complex logic.

注意:签出Blockly并考虑将其用于下一个项目。 它易于集成,并具有适用于所有主要编程语言的强大代码生成器。 它不仅针对儿童,而且还为非程序员提供了构建复杂逻辑的论坛。

To get more information, .

要获取更多信息, 。

It was the right combination of tools that gave us the momentum to make happen.


游戏 (The game)

Once we had our idea and tech stack in place, we could finally start coding. But because we had never worked with the tools before, we had to go through a steep learning curve in order to gain momentum and to give the project the attention it deserved.

一旦有了我们的想法和技术堆栈,我们就可以最终开始编码。 但是因为我们以前从未使用过这些工具,所以我们必须经历陡峭的学习过程才能获得动力并给予项目应有的关注。

We used all of our free time creating thet project. In the beginning, we even attended a weekend Hackathon event so that we could code through the weekend. For the core game logic, we had only two developers and about only four months to include all the lectures and tests for that semester. Johannes first took care of the P2P event logic and developed a mini-game (that was later abandoned), which would’ve created a better engagement in the event mode.

我们用所有的空闲时间来创建项目。 一开始,我们甚至参加了一个周末的Hackathon活动,以便我们可以在整个周末编写代码。 对于核心游戏逻辑,我们只有两名开发人员,大约只有四个月的时间来包含该学期的所有讲座和测试。 Johannes首先处理了P2P事件逻辑,并开发了一个迷你游戏(后来被放弃了),该游戏可以更好地参与事件模式。

The Hackathon weekend, where we spent over 20 hours coding, proved to be valuable. In the first day, we had something that could be shown to people. We had an editor and a figure that we could move on a grid by using the

我们在Hackathon周末度过了20多个小时的编程,被证明是非常有价值的。 在第一天,我们可以向人们展示一些东西。 我们有一个编辑器和一个图形,可以使用在网格上移动

Since we did not have an artist that could provide any assets, we had to make sure our tools didn’t look like rubbish. Because we are big fans of , even though it is not suitable for children, we used some of their mobile games assets to pretty up our tool.

由于我们没有能够提供任何资产的美术师,因此我们必须确保我们的工具看起来不像垃圾。 因为我们是忠实拥护者,尽管它不适合儿童使用,我们还是使用了他们的一些手机游戏资产来完善我们的工具。

As our deadline came closer, we replaced the Rick and Morty assets with robots. We also made sure that people could play our game by using .

随着截止日期的临近,我们用机器人取代了Rick and Morty资产。 我们还确保人们可以通过使用玩我们的游戏。

The final version had a nice overview, where people can visit previous levels, thus solidifying their knowledge.


After selecting a level, you will receive information about the goals for the level. Then you can solve the level using a preselected amount of blocks. This gave us the chance to slowly add more and more complex blocks in the later levels.

选择一个级别后,您将收到有关该级别目标的信息。 然后,您可以使用预先选择的块数来解决关卡。 这使我们有机会在以后的级别中逐渐添加越来越多的复杂块。

Once users pass a level, they receive a summary of the goals they have achieved, “unlocking” a new block for the next levels.


让比赛开始 (Let the competition start)

After the kids learned about what the blocks do, we tested their knowledge by holding a competition where they try to mine the most resources in the shortest amount of time.


Therefore we had to build two different views.


Users can use the to help build their robots’ logic and test their implementation, while permanently improving their behaviour. Users enter their display name and the room they want to join (rooms are the competitions that can be opened with the presenter view).

用户可以使用来帮助构建机器人的逻辑并测试其实现,同时永久改善其行为。 用户输入他们的显示名称和他们想要加入的房间(房间是可以通过主持人视图打开的竞赛)。

The is shown with a projector to a classroom of children, so that they can see the competition. In this view, users can enter a room name, which users can use to join the competition. In this view you can see the number of points that each user has and how much time is left until the round is finished.

通过投影仪显示给孩子们的教室,以便他们看到比赛。 在此视图中,用户可以输入房间名称,用户可以使用该名称来参加比赛。 在此视图中,您可以看到每个用户拥有的点数以及到回合结束还剩下多少时间。

After our presentation, we received a lot of positive feedback. This boosted our confidence. We then showed the presentation to a classroom of children, and worked with them through the different levels.

介绍之后,我们收到了很多积极的反馈。 这增强了我们的信心。 然后,我们向孩子们的教室展示了演示文稿,并与他们进行了不同层次的合作。

Here’s a really short impression of the event:


科技 (The tech)

Per had a few milestones for our project. Besides actually testing what we came up with together, he wanted us to use open source “scene.” What that meant for us was that we were encouraged to use small JavaScript libraries, and report to the developers the problems we experienced.

Per对我们的项目有几个里程碑。 除了实际测试我们共同提出的内容外,他还希望我们使用开源“场景”。 对我们而言,这意味着鼓励我们使用小型JavaScript库,并向开发人员报告遇到的问题。

Per had the opportunity to contact and ask the creator of Choo, , to meet him in an online meeting. This was to get us going with Choo!

Per有机会联系并邀请Choo的创建者在网上会议上与他见面。 这是为了让我们选择Choo!

Even though the meeting didn’t take place (because of a biking accident that Yoshua had), we were able to chat with Yoshua about Choo on at least two different occasions.


We also submitted a couple of patches to other open source projects through GitHub. ?

我们还通过GitHub向其他开源项目提交了一些补丁。 ?

Lesson learned: If you’re doing a project that involves open source technology, go for it. Contact the creator. In most cases, the creator will be glad to help you. Behind the really big projects, there are only a few people who actually enjoy working with open source content. They just want to show off what they have done and have people use them.

经验教训:如果您正在做一个涉及开源技术的项目,那就去做吧。 与创作者联系。 在大多数情况下,创作者将很乐意为您提供帮助。 在真正大项目的背后,只有少数人真正喜欢使用开源内容。 他们只是想炫耀自己所做的事情,并让人们使用它们。

块状 (Blockly)

As explained before, we chose Blockly for our user interface. If you visit and check out their examples, you will see that it has already established many teaching tools. Since the abstract design makes it easy to create new blocks, you can integrate it in whatever game or app you want.

如前所述,我们为用户界面选择了Blockly。 如果您访问并查看他们的示例,您将看到它已经建立了许多教学工具。 由于抽象设计使创建新块变得容易,因此您可以将其集成到所需的任何游戏或应用中。

It is unique the way that individuals and, especially, kids use the different coding blocks to create the behavior. The different colored blocks make it easy to associate each block with a behavior. Furthermore, developers are free to provide a few blocks when introducing new concepts. Another incredible feature about this framework is that you can easily switch from stacking blocks to writing code, and then quickly switch between them.

个人(尤其是孩子)使用不同的编码块来创建行为的方式非常独特。 不同颜色的块使将每个块与行为关联起来变得容易。 此外,在引入新概念时,开发人员可以自由提供一些功能块。 该框架的另一个令人难以置信的功能是,您可以轻松地从堆栈块切换到编写代码,然后在它们之间快速切换。

特征 (Features)

Here are some features of Blockly:


  • It is a graphical programming language

  • It allows you to create and style your own blocks

  • It is compatible with the Web and mobile devices

  • It is established in


  • It has the ability to interpret most languages


即使像这样的项目也使用Blockly进行教学。 (Even projects like use Blockly to teach.)


Peer2Peer (P2P) technology is cool.


Why? Because it allows developers to build apps that not only provide great features but also reduce dependencies on central services.

为什么? 因为它允许开发人员构建不仅提供出色功能而且还减少对中央服务的依赖的应用程序。

Lucky for us that the big players on the market (most notably Google) got around to making P2P available on the browser. The technology is called and is a Web standard — meaning it’s available on the browser through JavaScript.

对我们来说幸运的是,市场上的大型企业(最著名的是Google)开始在浏览器上提供P2P。 该技术称为 ,是Web标准-意味着可通过JavaScript在浏览器上使用。

Part of our project’s specification was to have as little back-end infrastructure as possible. So no heavy servers, just a simple HTML page with JavaScript. We would have to manage our game state client side by using only WebRTC signalling servers (which can be compared to digital phone books) to initiate the P2P connection.

我们项目规范的一部分是尽可能减少后端基础架构。 因此,没有繁琐的服务器,只有带有JavaScript的简单HTML页面。 我们将仅通过使用WebRTC信令服务器(可以与数字电话簿进行比较)来启动P2P连接,来管理游戏状态客户端。

特征 (Features)

Here are some features of P2P:


  • It is decentralized

  • It is available for the Web ()

    它可用于Web( )

  • It is easy to use ()

    易于使用( )

  • It uses only a singling server for the initial connection


You can do awesome things with P2P technology. For example, you can send files between clients without a central authority. You can do this in your browser. For an example of this, click .

您可以使用P2P技术做一些很棒的事情。 例如,您可以在没有中央权限的客户端之间发送文件。 您可以在浏览器中执行此操作。 有关此示例,请单击 。

If you want to take it to the next level, you can build a fully decentralized, open source clone (PeerMusic). Click to see an example.

如果您想将其带入一个新的高度,则可以构建一个完全分散的,开源的克隆(PeerMusic)。 单击查看示例。

hoo (Choo)

Choo is a fun and functional programming language used to create sturdy front-end applications. Choo’s developers had a special philosophy in mind when they created it. They believed that programming should be fun and light, not stressful, and that it’s cool to be cute. And that using technical words without explaining them makes for poor results and scares people off.

Choo是一种有趣且实用的编程语言,用于创建坚固的前端应用程序。 Choo的开发人员在创建时有一个特殊的想法。 他们认为编程应该有趣,轻松,不要压力,而且可爱很酷。 而且,使用技术性词语而不加以解释会导致不良的结果并吓退人们。

You should read about Choo’s philosophy at its page. It’s interesting and inspiring.

您应该在其页面了解Choo的理念。 这很有趣而且令人鼓舞。

特征 (Features)

Here are some features of Choo:


  • Its minimum weight is 4 kb

    最小重量为4 kb
  • It is event based

  • It is a small API with only six methods

  • It has minimal tooling

  • It has an isomorphic design which renders seamlessly in with both Node and browsers

  • It is very cute. Choo choo!

    很可爱 cho!

The kind of “Hello World” for function programming languages is a “Counter” App. With Choo, this looks something like this.

函数编程语言的“ Hello World”是“ Counter”应用。 对于Choo,这看起来像这样。

This looks easy and lightweight, doesn’t it? If you’re interested, you should definitely check it out. They have a lot of .

这看起来容易又轻巧,不是吗? 如果您有兴趣,一定要检查一下。 他们有很多 。


This is an awesome JavaScript self-interpreter with a high focus on testing execution and runtime introspection. In our opinion, this program is not as reputable as it should be for how good it is.

这是一个很棒JavaScript自解释器,非常注重测试执行和运行时内省。 我们认为,该计划的出色程度不如应有的声誉。

Sadly, there is no real documentation for . There are just the comments in the code and some minor explanations, making this hard to use. But it’s definitely worth checking out. There is an interpreter on the Blockly page. But for our use case, it wasn’t good enough. And we simply fell in love with .js. Thank you for open sourcing. ?

遗憾的是,没有真实文档。 代码中仅包含注释和一些较小的解释,因此很难使用。 但这绝对值得一试。 Blockly页面上有一个翻译。 但是对于我们的用例来说,这还不够好。 我们只是爱上了 .js。 感谢进行开源采购。 ?

特征 (Features)

Here are some features of esper.js:


  • It has a JavaScript interpreter

  • It has a testing environment for its execution

  • It is built for CodeCombat

  • It provides step-by-step executions

  • It builds a complete (AST)

    它构建了完整的 (AST)

To look at the actual demo, click


机器人引擎 (The robot engine)

When two teams compete against each other, in tournament mode, we need an environment that simulates that the robots are interacting with the game world. Each robot has its own program, and each performs one action every round. The runtime keeps track of the state of every robot and the game world. On every clocked event, the runtime executes the next action of each robot and sends an event to the game world.

当两个团队互相竞争时,在锦标赛模式下,我们需要一个模拟机器人正在与游戏世界交互的环境。 每个机器人都有自己的程序,每个机器人每轮执行一次动作。 运行时跟踪每个机器人和游戏世界的状态。 在每个计时事件中,运行时都会执行每个机器人的下一个动作,并将事件发送到游戏世界。

The game world contains all the game logic. For example, it’s responsible for checking that the robots can’t move on water fields.

游戏世界包含所有游戏逻辑。 例如,它负责检查机器人不能在水域上移动。

特征 (Features)

Here are features of the robot engine:


  • It provides a turn-based simulation

  • It has simultaneous executions of multiple robots

  • It has an event system that trigger bots, for example when a robot discovers a resource

  • It provides an API for the robots to interact with the world


你可以帮忙 (You can help)

If you think this project is interesting and want to plan your own event, perfect.


Simply head over to our and look for the How you could use this” section. There it explains how you can take this project and make it your own event.

只需转到我们的然后查找如何使用此内容”部分。 在那里,它说明了如何进行此项目并使之成为您自己的事件。

Here are the things you will need to organize an event like this:


计划活动所需的物品 (Items you need to plan an event)

  • About 1.5 hours

  • A computer with an up-to-date browser for each kid

  • A projector and a big screen to display the competition

  • Tutors who can help the kids if they have questions


The event is then split into 4 sections:


  • Tutorials

  • Programming the robots

  • Letting the robots compete

  • Improving the programs


You can read about each of the steps .

您可以在阅读有关每个步骤的 。

If you have any questions about how and where to organize such an event, or how to best plan it, .

如果您对如何以及在何处举办此类活动或如何最好地计划该活动有任何疑问,请 。

We love working with children. If you try it, we’re sure you won’t regret it. You will learn to explain things in a simpler and more logical way, which will help you to grow as a developer and as a person.

我们喜欢与儿童一起工作。 如果您尝试一下,我们相信您不会后悔。 您将学习以更简单,更合乎逻辑的方式来解释事物,这将帮助您成长为开发人员和个人。

试试吧。 我们是认真的。 ? (Try it. We’re serious. ?)

感谢您的阅读。 (Thank you for reading.)

我们希望听到您的意见,请随时发表评论或 。 (We’d love to hear your opinion, so feel free to comment or .)

Also be sure to follow us on and to


Don’t forget to hit the clap button and follow me on , , , and to follow me on my journey.

不要忘了按下拍手按钮,并在 , , 和上关注我,以跟随我的旅程。

We are always looking for new opportunities.


. We’d love to be in touch with you.

。 我们很乐意与您联系。

I’ll be in Palo Alto, California, for an internship starting in September. I would love to meet you! If you’re interested, . I’d be happy to be in touch!

我将从9月开始在加利福尼亚的帕洛阿尔托进行实习。 我很想认识你! 如果您有兴趣,请 。 我很高兴与您联系!

Also, if you’re someone who actually works at Google and are reading this, I’d love to meet the team behind Blockly!



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